This year, for its 5th edition, ASIA NOW invites the Galleri Feldt (Copenhagen) - to present special projects by Hu Fang, Ma Shu and Yang Jun.

Home for Books

“This is architecture for books; in my imagination, an ideal home for them. Books find their own residential area according to their own size and personality. They are given a living space to breathe in, not just in a stack of paper anymore. At the same time, the reader is granted the freedom to enter and visit this home and place it wherever: on the wall, on the floor, on a table, and even next to a beer, a cup of tea or an IPAD. The book and its home coexist together, and in their harmony become scenery. In this way, they form a garden of books.” - Hu Fang

“— |” Bookshelf 

Horizontal and perpendicular lines create characters in Chinese Calligraphy and traditional Chinese paintings. They are the starting point of creation. The “— |” Bookshelf is constructed with various horizontal and perpendicular lines that divide the space and reflect different light.

“+-” Shelves 

“+-” structure consists of six pieces in total: one big, two medium and three small pieces. It can be freely assembled into different spatial combinations. For each piece, only two intersecting sides represent solid surfaces, so they naturally create positive/negative spaces in each component as well as in the overall structure.

Ma Shu, Shu Ge Qiu Hong ©️ Authors, Permagate Space, 2019

Ma Shu, Shu Ge Qiu Hong ©️ Authors, Permagate Space, 2019

Shù Gé (Bookshelf)

“The bookshelf is open on all four sides, each level has an embedded wood board with a heightened border, where books can be placed. Its airy and rhythmic structure, stands freely without decoration, and the lines that run through its whole body are inspired by ripple patterns.

Ma Shu used the imagery of autumn water bringing the viewer into a tranquil and open space through a relationship of curvature and straightness between lines, surface and the entire spatial formulation of wood. The "rippling" edges are withdrawn yet suggestive: its liveliness is reserved in the autumn winds and the trembling water surfaces, ready to flourish.” - Ma Shu, You Zhengyu

Jun Yang, Lamp House ©️ Authors, the shop, 2019

Jun Yang, Lamp House ©️ Authors, the shop, 2019

Lamp House

Jun Yang will showcase Lamp House, a type of lampshade used at meat markets to make the food look more appetizing. Lamp House consists of six plastic red lampshades and one African Ambila wooden house. When the lamps are taken out, the lamp house becomes a small furniture which can be used for other purposes.